Entries by admin

[NL] Corporate Governance

Panelists: Wim Bartels (KPMG), werkt op het bredere gebied van corporate reporting; Remco Renes (NBU), werkt met name op het gebied van corporate governance; Tineke Lambooy (NBU), is hoogleraar ondernemingsrecht. […]

Creating an Inclusive Society

Ecological (and economic) aspects of sustainability are often emphasised at the expense of social aspects of sustainability. In order to represent the interests of future generations, the ombudsperson should equally […]

Environment and Land Use

The participants of the break out session on Environment and Land Use developed recommendations for the Ombudsperson for Future Generations in the Netherlands. They strongly support the idea of an […]


Knowledge related to future generations is still combined with a linear way of thinking on divided and separate fields and disciplines. However, a cross-disciplinary or interdisciplinary collaboration is emerging with […]


In order to include future generations and their equity/rights, we need to include the notion into our institutions. A precondition for that is independence as an Ombudsperson since that person […]

The Dutch Ombudsperson for Future Generations EVENT

A co-creation towards an institution for Future Generations in the Netherlands. A Worldconnectors, Earth Charter NL, NIFG, The Hague University cooperation with contributions by VNG, WRR, Missing Chapter Foundation and Rathenau. […]