Alide Roerink
Alide Roerink is actively involved in the global initiative Earth Charter, as a member of the Earth Charter International Council. In the Netherlands she coordinates the netword of Earth Charter Nederland and she is the co-founder, together with Ruud Lubbers, of the initiative Earth Charter Vrienden. In her former position at NCDO Alide mediated various consultations of civil society parties regarding important UN summits; she, for instance, coordinated the Dutch Platform Rio +20. Alide is boardmember of the gender platform WO=MEN and of ILEIA and is involved as Bisonteur Honorair at the BISONTE Foundation.
Professional background
Her former position at NCDO was ‘Interational Advisor’ from 2000 to 2013, here she initiated and coordinated the Worldconnector Round Tables (2006-2013). In the nineties she coordinated the Vrouwenberaad Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, a network of professionals on gender and development. Alide studied Anthropology & Women and Development at the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen and the Institute of Social Studies (ISS).
Personal motto
We are part of one Earth Community with one common destiny.