Rudy Rabbinge
Roelof (Rudy) Rabbinge is emeritus research professor of Sustainable Development and Food Security at Wageningen University (WUR) and member of the High Level Panel of Experts Steering Committee of the FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Professional background
Rudy Rabbinge is former president of the Executive Board of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT). He was previously also member of the Task Force Biodiversity and Natural Resources and member of the Dutch Labour Party (Partij van de Arbeid). He is moreover a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science and former chairman of both the InterAcademy Council and the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) Science Council. In addition, Rudy Rabbinge was Director of Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa (AGRA). Professor Rabbinge has more than 300 scientific publications to his name.
Personal motto
Ecological literacy is the way to World food security and sustainable development.